Why a Specialized Computer for Treatment?

Video gaming, social media, on-line porn, and gambling addictions are behavioral addictions that have resulted from changes to the brain similar to what is seen in substance addiction. The amount of time spent engaging in these behaviors along with the nature of the content delivered play a significant role in determining who becomes addicted and who does not. Individual genetics, prior life experiences and coexisting mental health conditions also play a role. In addition, engaging in certain activities such as social media for more than 3 hours per day has been associated with two times the risk of serious mental health problems.

The illustration below shows a simplified model of the vicious cycle of dependency. Initially this cycle can be entered from (1) negative mood states driving use to unsafe levels in order to regulate mood or (2) the unsafe use levels can result in negative life outcomes which fuel negative mood states. Negative real-life outcomes can even include mental health conditions, low self esteem and lowered motivation.

Dependency Cycle & Interventions


While medication may be necessary to treat certain mental health conditions, treatment of the dependency itself involves the application of interventions in the following three areas Psychotherapy, Behavioral Therapy and Real-World Reinforcement. Psychotherapy involves the application of interventions to help the individual gain the ability to deal with negative mood states (including anxiety and depression), urges and to gain screen-time self-regulation skills. Finally, it is reversing the negative impact on the addiction/dependency and moving forward with a value-based life that will ultimately break the cycle. For a more detailed explanation of this model from the Computer Addiction Treatment Program, click here.


In order to limit use to safe levels and to reverse the negative impact of the addicting screen activities, both use must be limited daily and made contingent on completing important daily activities. This is based the Premack Principal and is effective at both increasing motivation to complete important life goals but also will reduce motivation for engaging in the addicting behavior. See the diagram below outlining this aspect of the treatment process.


This behavioral treatment protocol has been used successfully for almost 20 years beginning with the PC Moderator device introduced in 2005.


Sentinel Gaming Systems Computers are Designed to Support the Behavioral Treatment Process

The behavioral treatment protocol places patients on a strict weekly schedule with entertainment screen time limited to the end of each day and contingent on completing important activities and responsibilities. Sentinel Gaming Systems can help both simplify this process and improve treatment fidelity as much of this effort is automated with usage data and settings accessible to both parents/family and clinician. Screen image access by family and clinician (at certain times while ensuring privacy at other times) helps with accountability and integrity. Entertainment screen time can be gradually reduced automatically over time if clinically necessary. The StudyStation™ model can also be easily set to limit social media time independently of other entertainment time.